Using Automations on

Click – click – draaaaag. Click – click – draaaaag.

Tired of performing the same manual steps over and over again, every week, every month, every quarter? Feeling pieces of your soul slowly crumble away as you click the same buttons, type the same information, and generate the same forms over and over? Well…stop!

You can employ automations in to do those tasks for you, and free up hours per week for you to address tasks that require actual critical thought, not toothpicks for your eyelids and eventual carpal tunnel surgery.

Always have to create a list of sub-tasks for a project if a proposal is approved? Automate it.

Always have to email a client when their project is complete? Automate it.

Always have to, once a month, create a new task in a certain board, set the status to ‘pending’, assign someone as the lead, notify the manager of the new task, link the task to a certain office, and by the way archive all of last years’ tasks for this month? Automate all of that

Within you can find a number of prepared automation recipes that reference various “triggers” like a status change, date arrival, item creation, or subitem completion. When an automation detects its assigned trigger, it will execute some action or combination of actions listed in the recipe.

Automations can be for simple things like “when status changes to ‘done’, move item to group ‘completed items,’ or much more complex and compound actions. The nice part is that whether the automation is simple or complex you know two things: 1) It will just BE done, you don’t have to remember to do it 2) Zero data loss from the typos, misclicks, or forgotten steps all humans are prone to. The automation robot will do it all, and that little rockstar doesn’t miss a thing.

You have dozens of recipes at your fingertips right in the platform, along with the ability to create custom automations yourself. There are even more available in the marketplace. If all else fails, contact Ability Ops so we can help build a custom automation or integration to accomplish exactly what you need.

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