Getting Started with A Step-By-Step Guide for New Users

Just joined and not sure how to begin? No worries! The following is a step-by-step guide for beginners like yourself to kick-start your journey with the software. Step 1: Organization Set-UpSign in to your account, proceed to the main dashboard where you’ll be prompted to input basic company information such as organization name, team […]

A Tool for Evaluating Software

The time has come Your team is growing, your workload is increasing, and making optimal use of every resource is becoming more important. Your post-it papier-mache has moved from monitor, to desk, to now nearly a wallpaper for your office. You know you need a project management software, but evaluating the options is another project […]

What I Wish I’d Known Before I Built My First Board in monday

You won’t like your first board When I began using monday I understood, academically at least, what the tool could do. When it came down to actually building my first board, though, I fell into what I now call “Excel hangover.” I used the columns and rows in monday like data cells in old faithful. […]

Using Automations on

Click – click – draaaaag. Click – click – draaaaag. Tired of performing the same manual steps over and over again, every week, every month, every quarter? Feeling pieces of your soul slowly crumble away as you click the same buttons, type the same information, and generate the same forms over and over? Well…stop! You […]

Mirroring and Multi-Board Mirroring on

Having a single source of truth in your workflow is paramount to being efficient and accurate. But there may be situations where we need to see that information in multiple boards. Rather than having to enter it twice (cringe!) or set up a cross board automation (inefficient) has the “Mirror” column. A mirror column […]

Dashboards for

The platform exists at a unique crossroads of capability and ease of use. Data can be entered, viewed, moved around, and altered with very little effort and zero programming knowledge. Once your boards and workflow progress through their ‘digital adolescence,’ growing into a more complex entity, it becomes less easy to view, process, or […]

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